Copyright Claims

Intellectual Property and Copyright
We reserve the right to remove any content that we determine infringes the intellectual property rights or copyright of others, with respect to this website and the identities of third parties, and to revoke your permission to contribute content through this website.
Unless otherwise indicated and provided that you completely comply with the rules of this copyright, we respect and honor the intellectual property and copyright of others. a prohibition against violating another person's trademark, copyright, or other ownership.
Repeat Infringer Policy
In accordance with our Repeat Infringement Policy, we received three legitimate complaints and a genuine He will get Termination of usage of this website over the following six months.
We are not bound by U.S. law; we observe willingly Digital Millennium Copyright Act. if you notice any Your copyrighted material has been infringed on the site, You can contact [email protected]
Sufficient condition
All invalid and irrelevant notifications will not be received action or response. Related notices Infringement must be communicated in writing with our agent By address, the following must be included:
Notice of Unauthorized Use of Content you, your agent or the law;
your phone number, address and (if possible) your email address;
Identify allegedly infringing copyrighted works. Please describe the work and include the location or copy Licensed version of the work;
Identification of allegedly violating material and References or links to content claimed to be infringing. Please provide URL or any substantive information allow us to locate content on the Internet or website;
Electronic or physical signature of the copyright owner, or Authorized Representative; and Statement of Penalty perjury to show that you are the owner or permitted on behalf of the owner of the infringing material; if searching Result of removing your site according to the notice below alleged copyright infringement, you should provide us with Written communication with us (counter-notification) Proxy, must include the following:
A statement that you accept from The putative copyright owner or authorized agent;
your name, phone number, address, email address and A statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the court the address you provide;
Identify removed or disabled material and position, the article appears before it Disable or delete;
Testimony under penalty of perjury that the material was removed or disabled due to misidentification, or error; real or digital signature of the copyright owner, or Authorized Representative.

Terms of Use

Please read these terms and conditions of use carefully before using our website and services, including but not restrictions, as follows:, the y2mate application, and the y2mate browser extension

This document describes the terms and conditions ("Terms") ("we" or "us") will serve you its websites, applications and related services (collectively referred to as Services”). As used in this document, the term “you” or "Your" means you, any entity you represent, your or representatives, successors, assigns and affiliates, and any your or their device.

By visiting, accessing, using, downloading, copying, installing and/or joining (collectively “using”) the Service, you express your understanding and acceptance of these Terms. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms, cease using the Service and delete any copy of the Service which you may have.

These terms also include certain liability limitations and legal disclaimers that limit our liabilities. In other words, your use of the Service is at your own risk and we do not assume any liability, or make any warranties of any kind, express or implied, with respect to the Service.

1. Eligibility and Accounts

a. Use of this service is prohibited law. Without limiting the foregoing, you represent and warrant that you are not in a bound country international or applicable embargoes, or designated by international or applicable law as A country that "supports terrorists" and you are not listed A list of any applicable prohibited or restricted parties.

b. You must be at least eighteen (18) years of age to use the Service. If you are under eighteen (18) years old, you are not permitted to use the Service and you must immediately cease using the Service, regardless of parental authorization.

c. From time to time you may be asked to At our discretion, create an account with us ("Account") to use Maximum range of partial services. In this case: you represent and warrant that you provide to We were complete and accurate when creating your account. you When such information changes or when we update such information Require. You acknowledge that we can also use your Permission, Personally Identifiable Information Via Third-party or other means based on your permissions supply. You may not use another person's or entity's account Unauthorized or access to anyone else's account anyone on any other system. You are solely responsible For maintaining confidentiality and restricting access to your account. You are solely responsible for all Activity that occurs under your account. You should notify us Any breach of security or unauthorized use your account. Under the terms here, we may not for any unauthorized use your account, in addition to further compensation You hereby indemnify and hold us harmless from any damages such unauthorized use. you acknowledge and understand Anyone with access to your account can access All data in your account, including any private data content.

d. The consideration for your knowing acceptance of these Terms is that we are providing you the Grant of Use to use the Service pursuant to Section 2 hereof. You acknowledge and agree that this consideration is adequate and that you have received the same upon use of the Service.

2. Grant of Use

  1. We thus provide you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and restricted permission to access, use, and not publicly display the Services, including any material therein ("Content") These conditions are met by your computer or mobile device, subject to (technical and other) limitations. You are only permitted to use the Services for personal, non-commercial purposes.
  1. We reserve the right to revoke this grant at any time, for any reason, and with or without previous notice. In addition to Termination, we have the right but not the obligation to: I delete or deactivate your account or use of the Services; (ii) block your email and/or IP address or take other steps to end your ability to use and use the Services; and/or (iii) remove and/or delete any of your User Submissions (defined below). After the aforementioned is terminated, you undertake not to use or attempt to use Services. The grant expires when Your usage of the service is no longer permitted, yet all The remainder of these conditions will continue to apply. you fess up If we terminate your license to use, we are not liable to you or any third party.
  1. In addition to the terms set forth herein, your use of the Service shall be limited by the rules, features and technical restrictions of the Service, which may change from time to time in our sole discretion. You shall not attempt to use the Service in any manner in which the Service is not intended or permitted to be used.

3. Intellectual Property

a. The Content, excluding User Submissions and Third Party Content (defined below), but including other text, graphical images, photographs, music, video, software, scripts, source code, and trademarks, service marks and logos contained therein (collectively “Proprietary Materials”), are owned by and/or licensed to us. All Proprietary Materials are subject to copyright, trademark, and/or other rights under the laws of applicable jurisdictions, including domestic laws, foreign laws, and international conventions. We reserve all our rights over our Proprietary Materials.

  1. You undertake not to use any proprietary materials or third party content, in whole or in part, by copying, altering, publishing, transmitting, distributing, taking part in the transfer or sale of, creating derivative works of, or in any other way exploiting them, unless expressly authorized by law.

4. User Submissions

a. You are entirely responsible for any and all materials you download, upload, submit, transmit, create, modify or otherwise make available in or via the Service, including any sound files, video files, or photographs that you create, modify, transmit or download through the Service (collectively, “User Submissions”). User Submissions cannot always be withdrawn. You acknowledge that any disclosure of personal information in User Submissions may make you personally identifiable and that we do not guarantee any confidentiality with respect to User Submissions.

b. You shall be solely responsible for any and all of your own User Submissions and any and all consequences of downloading, uploading, submitting, modifying, transmitting, creating or otherwise making available the User Submissions. For any and all of your User Submissions, you affirm, represent and warrant that:

i. You own or have the necessary licenses, permissions, rights, or consents to use and authorize us to use all trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets or other proprietary rights in and to User Submissions for any and all uses contemplated by the Service and these Terms; and

ii. You have written consent, release, and/or permission from each and every identifiable individual in the User Submission to use the name and/or likeness of each and every such identifiable individual to enable use of the User Submission for any and all uses contemplated by the Services and these Terms.

c. You further agree that you shall not download, upload, submit, create, transmit, modify, or otherwise make available material that:

i. Is copyrighted, protected by trade secret or trademark laws, or otherwise subject to third party proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless you are the owner of such rights, have explicit permission from the rightful owner to submit the material and to grant us all of the license rights granted herein, or have other legal and effective basis to the material and to grant us all of the license rights granted herein;

ii. Is obscene, vulgar, illegal, unlawful, defamatory, fraudulent, libelous, harmful, harassing, abusive, threatening, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, inflammatory, or otherwise inappropriate as decided by us in our sole discretion;

iii. Depicts illegal activities, promotes or depicts physical harm or injury against any group or individual, or promotes or depicts any act of cruelty to animals;

iv. Impersonates any person or entity or otherwise misrepresents you in any way, including creating a false identity;

v. Would constitute, encourage or provide instructions for a criminal offense, a violation of the rights of any party, or that would otherwise create liability or violate any local, state, national or international law; or

vi. Is unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotion, “spam” or any other form of solicitation.

  1. User Submissions and Third Party Content are not our property, and we have no authority over it. All copyrights to User Submissions are retained by you or a third-party licensor, as applicable, and you are in charge of defending those rights as necessary. You hereby grant us an unrevocable worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, sublicenseable license to use, reproduce, publicly perform, publicly display, distribute, adapt, modify, publish, translate, create derivative works of, publicly perform, publicly translate, and otherwise exploit User Submissions for any purpose, including without limitation any purpose contemplated by the Service and the. Additionally, you forever renounce and cause to be waived all claims and assertions of moral rights or attribution with regard to User Submissions against us and any of our users.
  1. You affirm and guarantee that you possess all essential rights, power, and authority to grant the rights granted hereto to User Submissions. You specifically affirm and warrant that you have the authority to download, upload, modify, access, transmit, create, or otherwise make available the User Submissions on the Service, and that downloading or uploading the User Submissions won't violate the rights of any third party or your contractual obligations to third parties.

f. You acknowledge that we may at our sole discretion refuse to publish, remove, or block access to any User Submission for any reason, or for no reason at all, with or without notice.

  1. Without limiting the other indemnification provisions herein, you agree to defend us against any claim, demand, suit or proceeding made or brought against us by a third-party alleging that your User Submissions or your use of the Service in violation of these Terms infringes or misappropriates the intellectual property rights of any third-party or violates applicable law and you shall indemnify us for any and all damages against us and for reasonable attorney’s fees and other costs incurred by us in connection with any such claim, demand, suit or proceeding.
  1. If you make any suggestions to us about improving the Service or adding new features to the Service, you are assigning to us the right to use your suggestions without any compensation to you

5. Content on the Service

a. You understand and acknowledge that, when using the Service, you will be exposed to content from a variety of sources including content made available on or through the Service by other users, services, parties and through automated or other means (collectively, “Third Party Content”) and that we do not control and are not responsible for any Third Party Content. You understand and acknowledge that you may be exposed to content that is inaccurate, offensive, indecent or otherwise objectionable or may cause harm to your computer systems and, without limiting the other limitation of liability provisions herein, you agree to waive, and hereby do waive, any legal or equitable rights or remedies you may have against us with respect thereto.

b. We claim no ownership or control over Third Party Content. Third parties retain all rights to their respective Third Party Content and they are responsible for protecting their rights as appropriate.

c. You understand and acknowledge that we assume no responsibility whatsoever for monitoring the Service for inappropriate content or conduct. If at any time we choose, in our sole discretion, to monitor such content, we assume no responsibility for such content, have no obligation to modify or remove any such content (including User Submissions and Third Party Content), and assume no responsibility for the conduct of others submitting any such content (including User Submissions and Third Party Content).

d. Without limiting the provisions below on limitations of liability and disclaimers of warranties, all Content (including User Submissions and Third Party Content) on the Service is provided to you “AS-IS” for your information and personal use only and you shall not use, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license or otherwise exploit for any other purpose whatsoever the Content without the prior written consent of the respective owners/licensors of the Content.

e. You acknowledge that we may at our sole discretion refuse to publish, remove, or block access to any Content for any reason, or for no reason at all, with or without notice.

6. User Conduct

  1. You represent and warrant that all the information and content provided by you to us is accurate and current and that you have all necessary rights, power and authority to (i) agree to these Terms, (ii) provide the User Submissions to us, and (iii) perform the acts required of you under these Terms.

b. You hereby expressly authorize us to monitor, record and log any of your activities on the Service.

c. As a condition of your use of the Service:

i. You agree not to use the Service for any unlawful purpose or in any way that is prohibited by these Terms;

ii. You agree to abide by all applicable local, state, national and international laws and regulations;

iii. You agree not to use the Service in any way that exposes us to criminal or civil liability;

iv. You agree that you are solely responsible for all acts and omissions that occur as a result of your use of the Service;

v. You agree that all your User Submissions belong to you and that you have the right and authority to provide them to us and make use of them on or through the Service;

vi. You agree not to use any automated means, including robots, crawlers or data mining tools, to download, monitor or use data or Content from the Service;

vii. You agree not to take any action that imposes, or may impose, in our sole discretion, an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our technology infrastructure or otherwise make excessive demands on it;

viii. You agree not to “stalk” or otherwise harass anyone on or through the Service;

ix. You agree not to forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any information you transmit;

x. You agree not to disable, circumvent, or otherwise interfere with security related features of the Service or features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content or which enforce limitations on the use of the Service or the content therein;

xi. You agree not to post, link to, or otherwise make available on the Service any material that contains software viruses or any computer code, file or program designed to interrupt, destroy, limit or monitor the functionality of any computer software or hardware or any telecommunications equipment;

xii. You agree not to license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise in any way commercially exploit or make available the Service or any Content to any third party;

xiii. You agree not to “frame” or “mirror” the Service; and

xiv. You agree not to reverse engineer any portion of the Service.

  1. You may only use the Service consistent with these Terms and any and all agreements under which the Service is provided to you (including, for example, any app store agreement). You assume sole responsibility for obtaining any additional or related hardware or software required for use of the Service.
  1. Except as described below, you are not permitted to decompile, disassemble, reverse compile, reverse assemble, reverse translate or otherwise reverse engineer the Service, use any similar means to discover the source code of the Service or to discover any trade secrets or other intellectual property in the Service.
  1. You acknowledge that from time to time the Service may automatically check for and install updates on your device. You agree and accept that the Service may make updates without your confirmation or consent. Any updates to the Service will be deemed part of the Service. However, we have no obligation to provide you with any updates to the Service (nor does any third-party).
  1. We reserve the right to take appropriate action against any user for any unauthorized use of the Service, including civil, criminal and injunctive redress and the termination of any user’s use of the Service. Any use of the Service and our computer systems not authorized by these Terms is a violation of these Terms and certain international, foreign, and domestic criminal and civil laws.
  1. Except for the termination of the grant of use Services, any breach of this Agreement, including The provisions of this Section 6 shall cause you to comply with Liquidated damages of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) every violation. If your violation results in legal action (whether against you or against us for any party) or cause bodily or mental harm to any party, you shall One hundred and fifty liquidated damages One thousand dollars ($150,000) per violation. we may be In our sole discretion, assign any such damages claim or portion hand it over to a third party you've aggrieved implement. These liquidated damages clauses are not fines, but both parties attempt to reasonably Determine the amount of actual damage that may occur such violations. You acknowledge and agree to the amount These liquidated damages are minimal, if actual The greater the loss, the greater your liability quantity. If a court of competent jurisdiction considers that These liquidated damages are unenforceable to any extent, Then the liquidated damages can only be To the extent necessary, they are executable.

7. Services on the Service

a. You acknowledge that the Service is a general-purpose tool. Specifically, but without limitation, the Service allows you to access media on multiple other platforms and to, among other things, download and/or convert that media. The Service may only be used in accordance with law. We do not encourage, condone, induce, or allow any use of the Service that may be in violation of any law. We explicitly prohibit the use of the Service to download any content in violation of copyright laws.

b. To the extent that we may store any User Submissions whatsoever, we do not intend to store any User Submissions for anything longer than a transitory period of time to give users chance to download their content.

8. Fees

a. You acknowledge that we reserve the right to charge for any or all of our services and to change our fees from time to time in our sole discretion. If at any time we terminate your rights to use the Service because of a breach of these Terms, you shall not be entitled to a refund of any portion of your fees. In all other respects, such fees shall be governed by additional rules, terms, conditions, or agreements posted on the Service and/or imposed by any sales agent or payment processing company, as may be amended from time to time.

9. Privacy Policy

a. We retain a separate Privacy Policy and your assent to these Terms also signifies that you have read and understand the Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to amend the Privacy Policy at any time by posting such amendments to the Service or our website. No other notification may be made to you about any amendments. Your continued use of the App following such amendments will be deemed your acknowledgement of the Privacy Policy and that you have read and understand it.

b. You acknowledge that we may collect and use technical data and related information, including but not limited to technical information about your device, system and application software, and peripherals, that is gathered periodically to facilitate the provision of updates to the Service.

c. You understand, acknowledge and agree that we may access, preserve and disclose your information if required to do so by law or in a good faith belief that such access, preservation or disclosure is reasonably desirable or necessary for us.

10. Copyright Claims

a. We respect the intellectual property rights of others. you not infringe copyright, trademark or other Proprietary information rights of either party. we may be in our Remove any content (or restrict use of any content) we have reason to believe violates any intellectual property rights of others and may Termination of your use of the Services if you submit any such content content.

  1. Repeat Infringer Policy. As part of our repeat-infringement policy, any user for whose MATERIAL we receive three good-faith and effective complaints within any contiguous six-month period will have his grant of use of the Service terminated.

c. Although we are not subject to United States law, we voluntarily comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Pursuant to Title 17, Section 512(c)(2) of the United States Code, if you believe that any of your copyrighted material is being infringed on the Service, we have designated an agent to receive notifications of claimed copyright infringement. Notifications should be e-mailed to [email protected].

d. All notifications not relevant to us or ineffective under the law will receive no response or action thereupon. An effective notification of claimed infringement must be a written communication to our agent that includes substantially the following:

i. Identification of the copyrighted work that is believed to be infringed. Please describe the work and, where possible, include a copy or the location (e.g., a URL) of an authorized version of the work;

ii. Identification of the material that is believed to be infringing and its location or, for search results, identification of the reference or link to material or activity claimed to be infringing. Please describe the material and provide a URL or any other pertinent information that will allow us to locate the material on the Service or on the Internet;

iii. Information that will allow us to contact you, including your address, telephone number and, if available, your e-mail address;

iv. A statement that you have a good faith belief that the use of the material complained of is not authorized by you, your agent or the law;

v. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate and that under penalty of perjury that you are the owner or are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the work that is allegedly infringed; and

vi. A physical or electronic signature from the copyright holder or an authorized representative.

e. If your User Submission or a result to your content is removed pursuant to a notification of claimed copyright infringement, you may provide us with a counter-notification, which must be a written communication to our above listed agent and satisfactory to us that includes substantially the following:

i. Your physical or electronic signature;

ii. Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled;

iii. A statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled;

iv. Your name, address, telephone number, email address and a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the courts in the address you provided and the location in which the purported copyright owner is located; and

v. A statement that you will accept service of process from the purported copyright owner or its agent.

11. Modification of These Terms

a. We reserve the right to amend these Terms at any time by posting such amended Terms to the Service. No other notification may be made to you about any amendments. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOUR CONTINUED USE OF THE SERVICE FOLLOWING SUCH AMENDMENTS WILL CONSTITUTE YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH AMENDMENTS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOU HAVE ACTUALLY READ THEM.

12. Indemnification and Release

a. You hereby agree to indemnify us and hold us harmless from any and all damages and third-party claims and expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising from your use of the Service and/or from your breach of these Terms.

b. In the event that you have a dispute with one of more other users or any third parties, you hereby release us, our officers, employees, agents and successors-in-right from claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind or nature, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way related to such disputes and/or the Service.

13. Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitations of Liabilities


b. The Service may contain links to third-party websites or Others are independent of our services. We assume no Responsibility for Content, Privacy Policy or Practices accuracy, and makes no representations or warranties of accuracy, the completeness or authenticity of any information contained in Third-Party Websites or Other Services. we have no right or Ability to edit the content of any third party website or other service. You acknowledge that we are not responsible FOR ANY AND ALL LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OF ANY THIRD PARTY Party sites or other services.

c. The Service is provided “AS-IS” and without any warranty or condition, express, implied, or statutory. We specifically disclaim to the fullest extent any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, information accuracy, integration, interoperability or quiet enjoyment. We disclaim any warranties for viruses or other harmful components in connection with the Services.

d. Under no circumstances shall we be liable for direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages (even if we have been advised that such damages) due to your use of Services, but not limited to, such damages are caused by (i) your use, misuse or inability to use the Services, (ii) Your reliance on any content on the Services, (iii) Interrupt, Suspend, Modify, Change or Complete Termination of Service or (iv) Termination served by us. These restrictions also apply Damage caused by other services or products Reception or advertising in connection with the Services.

  1. We do not guarantee (i) that the service will meet your requirements required or expected that (ii) the Service will uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free, (iii) RESULTS YOU MAY GET USING THE SERVICES will be accurate or reliable, (iv) any products, services, information, content or other materials obtained through the service will meet your requirements or expectations, or (v) any error in the content correct.

f. Any content obtained through the use of the service Obtained at your own discretion and risk. you are the only one Responsible for any damage to your computer system or other equipment Loss of equipment or data caused by such content.

g. YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS AND REMEDIES IN THE FOLLOWING Dissatisfaction with the service or any other grievance should Terminate your use of the Services. No Limit the foregoing and in no event shall maximum liability be We arise out of or in connection with your use of the Services over $100.

h. All of the above disclaimers of warranties and limitations of liabilities shall be deemed to apply to our parent companies, subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents, designees, contractors, affiliates, subsidiaries, successors and assigns as well.

14. Disputes

a. To the fullest extent permitted by law, these terms and as any claim, cause of action or dispute that may arise Between you and us, governed by the laws of Russia Commonwealth does not take into account conflict of laws provisions. for any claim between us, you agree to submit and agree to Personal and Exclusive Jurisdiction The seat of the Russian Federal Court. However, in If we seek compensation from you under this Agreement, we may be in the same court where we are Seeking compensation was filed. You hereby waive any rights Find another venue due to inappropriateness or inconvenience forum.


c. You hereby agree that as part of the consideration these terms, you hereby waive any rights you may have Trial by jury for any disputes that arise between us from or in connection with these terms or services. this even in any Arbitration Clause or any other provision of these Terms part was abandoned.

15. General Terms

(a) These Terms, as amended from time to time, constitute the entire agreement between you and us and supersede all prior agreements between you and us and may not be modified without our written consent.

(b) Our failure to enforce any provision of these Terms will not be construed as a waiver of any provision or right.

(c) If any part of these Terms is determined to be invalid or unenforceable pursuant to applicable law, then the invalid and unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision and the remainder of the agreement shall continue in effect.

(d) Nothing herein is intended, nor will be deemed, to confer rights or remedies upon any third party.

(e) These Terms are not assignable, transferable or sub-licensable by you except with our prior written consent, but may be assigned or transferred by us without restriction.

(f) You agree that we may provide you with notices by e-mail, regular mail, or postings to the Service.

(g) The section titles in these Terms are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect.

(h) As used in these Terms, the term “including” is illustrative and not limitative.

(i) If this agreement is translated and executed in any language other than English and there is any conflict as between the translation and the English version, the English version shall control.